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Meeting with Her Excellency the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the DRC to the USA

January 31, 2023 at Washington, D.C. 20036, at their offices located at 1100 Connecticut Ave NW, Ste 725.

Condensed report of the Working Meeting

On January 31, 2023, Mesdames Léontine MAFUTA BOYD and Lucie BILONDA TSHISWAKA respectively, President and Vice President of the International Chamber of Commerce USA-ALL NATIONS in acronym ICC USAN were received by Her Excellency the Ambassador of the DRC to the USA.

The Purpose of the meeting consisted of :

  • The Presentation of the USA-ALL NATIONS International Chamber of Commerce
  • The Presentation of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry BILATERAL USA – DRC Florida Chapter
  • The Presentation of the INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC FORUM which will take place in Florida in Fort Lauderdale from April 11 to 14, 2023, with the objective of creating a synergy of business facilitation for Companies through clear demonstrations of guidelines to follow for effective exports , efficient and profitable through the use of digital technology, through the effective application of AGOA for Eligible Nations and through the involvement of the Politics of the Nations concerned by this THEME in order to maximize the achievement of the Productivities required for sustainable development

Having listened to them attentively, Her Excellency encouraged the brave ladies by appreciating their qualities as ” FOREIGN TRADE ACCESS TRAINERS ” and ‘ ACTIVISTS FOR THE BUILDING OF WOMEN’S CAPACITY ”, QUALITY which proves to be obligatory to restore the BRIDGE BETWEEN COMPATRIOTS OF THE AMERICAN DIASPORA WHILE PARTICIPATING POSITIVELY IN THE VARIOUS PROMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS

Started at 11 a.m., the meeting ended at 1:30 p.m. and some family photos were taken.

Made in USA, MI on 08/02/2023


Vice President ICC USAN

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