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The President of Okapi Mediaplus Brought up a new vision, worldwide, then founded both together “the International Chamber of Commerce Usa-All Nations, ICC-USA

Be a “Game Changer” for the growing of our members ‘businesses by proving valuable strategies, creating connections between them through diversity, collaboration and Teamwork.

  • Connect persons, businesses as our members to discover the World in view of changing the life of communities;
  • As “Game changer” make you grow and be known in All Nations through our platform.
  • Integrity: We are honest and trusted team organization which has set up an inclusive environment of all Nations ‘connection in order to promote businesses;
  • Transparency : We are committed to a transparent and strategic approach in our partnerships with our members;
  • Game Changer : We are engaged to promote, support, save and grow your business in order to change the thriving life of people of All Nations with American style or spirit or approach in term of development.

In connection with Mrs. Leontine MAFUTA, the Founder of BCCIF (Bilateral Chamber of Commerce – Industry/Florida, who got too much from Mrs. Paola BARAYA, Mr. Dewayne BOYD (FITCE)and Mr. DALE HOLNESS, the former Mayor of Broward County, Fort Lauderdale, Florida for setting up BCCIF, Mr. Nelson MIKWITI, the President of Okapi Mediaplus brought up a new vision, worldwide, then founded both together “the International Chamber of Commerce Usa-All Nations, ICC-USA” on December 3, 2022.

So far, our motivation is to reach out and connect All Nations through businesses and cultural Events, ICC-USAN, “the Game Changer”, has being joined by many people from different countries at this point of Foundation as follows: Mr. Doris MISHOMA

They will be an ONLINE Calendar of Annual Agenda on the Website :


  1. Leontine MAFUTA
  2. Nelson MIKWITI
  3. Doris MISHOMA
  1. President : Leontine MAFUTA
  2. Vice-President : Nelson MIKWITI
  3. Executive Secretary :
  4. Deputy-Executive :
  5. Administrative Assistants :
  6. Partnerships Secretary :
  7. Membership Secretary :
  8. Public Relations & Marketing Secretary :
  9. Global affairs Secretary :
  10. Communications Secretary :
  11. Director of Budget :
  12. Director of Finances
  13. Director of Projects :
  14. Director of Events :
  15. Director of Technologies :
  16. Treasurer :
  17. Deputy-Treasurer :
  18. Personal Assistants :
  19. Country Directors (ICC-USAN World Representations)
  20. Staff (Events)

Go on the Website : www.icc-usan.org


International Chamber of Commerce USA-All Nations


Mrs. Leontine MAFUTA


Mr. Nelson MIKWITI

International Chamber of Commerce USA-All Nations

They will be an ONLINE Calendar of Annual Agenda on the Website


  1. Leontine MAFUTA
  2. Nelson MIKWITI
  3. Doris MISHOMA

They will be an ONLINE Calendar of Annual Agenda on the Website : www.icc-usan.org